
D'Studio: Exceptional Quality & Customer Experience

Harsh M Barot , DirectorAbreast of all creative themes, impeccable designs, and skillful execution with intact quality, there is an `X' factor that makes an interior design satisfy you from the inside of your heart, which is tough to measure, sometimes hard to find, and often difficult to define. This X factor - precisely, the customer ‘EXPERIENCE’ factor is perfectly embraced by D’Studio - a full-service design company that believes in engaging with clients in partnerships born of trust and mutual understanding. At present, D’Studio is recognized as a distinguished design and execution house that seeks to partner with its clientele.

“Large, small, private, commercial, public, or more, no client is a ‘customer’ on our checklist; they are all partners in our journey, who give us an opportunity to share and co-create their dream spaces. Led by an innovative and empathetic mindset, the small 12 member core team with 30+ consultants and collaborators is seen as an accessible, credible, and creative design house that delivers on its commitments and client needs,” says Dr. Praneeta Verma, Founder.

At D’Studio, service is more about customer satisfaction, loyalty, and professional satisfaction that goes beyond just the market share or bottom line. “It’s important to be mindful of the opportunity, but our forte and focus is to find customers that resonate with our philosophy and aesthetics and create spaces that work for them in every way,” she remarks.

How Did It Begin?

Speaking of the inception story, Praneeta narrates, “What I say here is what would say if woken from my sleep, because it’s what I firmly believe in. Designing spaces is like having a large canvas, where we can enjoy creating sensorial experiences - touch and feel - that can evoke emotions the same way an aesthetic piece of art does. At a higher level, contributing to one of the more robust industry verticals of modern India, it gives me a huge sense of satisfaction that I am contributing to the economy of my country by creating opportunities for a wide variety of workmanship.”

She further adds, “While aesthetics and space planning are my passion, my experiences on-site and on the field convinced me that if I needed to translate my design aesthetics to my satisfaction, I ought to build an ecosystem that's conducive and in synch with my thought processes and value system. Hence, the extension - Hardware Studio and the Execution partnership, IIPL. So, we are equipped end-to-end to translate customers’ needs and dreams to reality with great standards. This, in fact, is our differentiator. We have recently ventured into creating and curating home décor, under our publication brand, Design Luv.”

We Believe That Sustainable Design Is The Need Of The Hour And Is The Future Of Design

One-Of-A-Kind Services

While providing turn-key solutions designed to suit the space as well as the clients’ needs and aspirations, the team over the years has created a unique process to ensure synergy & partnerships, which is almost a ‘house style’. It mandates client briefing sessions, covering multiple scenarios and options. “Our team goes through regular training to be equipped for this 360-degree approach where presentation, listening, observation, and mindfulness play key roles. This approach is our pride and almost a patent. Our sustaining delight and satisfaction stem from our projects being trendy and aesthetic on the face of it, and when our client expresses the joy of usage, functionality, and having met the committed design advantages,” Praneeta informs.