Preparing For The Next Wave

back to their home town as work from home becomes a norm. On the other hand, companies are also vacating their offices as they embrace this new work culture. They understood that paying such huge rents and bearing other operational costs can be reduced to bare minimum and safe more.
This new trend is indeed a challenge for the real estate industry but it is also an opportunity for them to revisit their drawing board and come up with new strategies to address the changing needs of the customers. From real estate companies, to developers, property management firms, and even facility management companies, need to change their stratagems. Integrating more of technologies like AR, VR, 3D, ML, AI and others, the sector needs to wear new capes and prepare for the next wave. This change also requires a more of human touch too, where empathy and care will play important roles.
We are siliconindia Magazine understand this changing need of the hour and hence present to you the best from the facility management & property valuation while bringing to you the best residential projects in Bangalore. Read this issue to know more about them.
Do let us know what you think!
This new trend is indeed a challenge for the real estate industry but it is also an opportunity for them to revisit their drawing board and come up with new strategies to address the changing needs of the customers. From real estate companies, to developers, property management firms, and even facility management companies, need to change their stratagems. Integrating more of technologies like AR, VR, 3D, ML, AI and others, the sector needs to wear new capes and prepare for the next wave. This change also requires a more of human touch too, where empathy and care will play important roles.
We are siliconindia Magazine understand this changing need of the hour and hence present to you the best from the facility management & property valuation while bringing to you the best residential projects in Bangalore. Read this issue to know more about them.
Do let us know what you think!